We Are:

Investors, Underwriters, Municipal Advisors, Insurers, and Bond Counsel

Defending the Municipal Bond Market and Promoting America’s Infrastructure

MBFA Mission

Municipal Bonds for America is a coalition of the municipal market leadership working together and in concert with issuers and State and local groups to promote and advance the municipal bond market in the context of infrastructure.

This coalition, led by the Bond Dealers of America, is committed to advancing proposals that improve the municipal securities market while protecting the interests of taxpayers, investors, and state and local governments.

Muni Policy Issues

Defense of the Tax Exemption

The tax-exemption for municipal bond interest is the single most important federal infrastructure investment program. Municipal bonds are the principal engine for infrastructure growth for the United States and have been so for more than 150 years. Today, roughly 75% of the infrastructure in the country is financed by municipal bonds, accounting for 4 million miles of roads, 16,000 airports, and 900,00 miles of water pipelines. Its essential to protect the federal tax exemption of these vital investment tools.

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Advanced Refunding

A key provision of any federal infrastructure package needs to be the restoration of tax-exempt advance refundings which were outlawed in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As a way for issuers to save taxpayer money by refinancing outstanding debt at historically low prices, the inability to use this valuable tool has made investing in critical projects and services more expensive while shifting federal costs onto state and local governments, and the people they serve.

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Private Activity Bonds

PABs are a valuable tool for financing crucial public needs, including infrastructure projects and other community priorities. As proven by numerous projects across the country, the private sector working with the public sector often can address these needs more effectively, and at less taxpayer expense.

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Direct Pay Bonds

Taxable municipal bonds are needed to help struggling governments finance critical public projects in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic. The new bonds would be modeled after the Build America Bond program, however, be exempt from sequestration and help support a wide range of infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, water systems, and broadband internet.

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