
MBFA Submits Comments to House Ways and Means Tax Working Group Promoting Municpal Bonds

This week, the MBFA coalition submitted comments promoting and advancing municipal bonds to the House Ways and Means Community Development Tax Working Group Chaired by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA). The Tax Working Groups were created by Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) to study key provisions from the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in preparation for broad…
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Media Alert: MBFA Comments Featured in BondBuyer Article on Muni Advocacy

The MBFA was featured in a BondBuyer article featuring its recent comments to the House Ways and Means Committee Community Development Tax Working Group in support of municipal bond provisions in anticipation for next years tax debate. The article can be found here. The MBFA comments can be viewed here. The Municipal Bonds for America coalition is…
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Event Recap: BDA Hosts Public Finance Leadership Roundtable and Muni Advocacy Fly-In

Last week, the BDA hosted a Public Finance Leadership Roundtable in Washington, DC hosted by Quarles and Brady. The event featured robust discussion on timely public finance topics with senior representatives from 10 BDA member firms. Key discussion topics included: Exit of Bulge Bracket Firms from the Business and Impact on Regionals Challenges of Operating…
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DC Update: Sweeping Muni Legislation Introduced in House

Last night,  Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) introduced the “Local  Infrastructure Financing Tools (LIFT) Act“ with support of the BDA, MBFA and the Public Finance Network.The legislation is a sweeping muni focused package that would restore tax-exempt advance refundings, raise the bank qualified limit, and create a new taxable direct pay infrastructure bond. The press release featuring a…
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DC Update: Biden Administration Ignores the Tax-Exemption in 2025 Tax Priorities

For the second consecutive year, the Biden Administration failed to promote the tax-exemption in its FY 2025 Treasury Green Book– an annual release of the Administrations tax priorities.  While the Biden White House has promoted infrastructure investment throughout this term, the lack of prioritization of muni’sheading into the election and likely Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is concerning. This follows a policy paper from the…
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Calls Grow for Elimination of Tax-Exemption in TCJA Revamp

The Municipal Bonds for America coalition continues to lay the groundwork for a proactive advocacy effort to promote and protect munis as chatter in DC on proposals to extend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act pick up steam. This week, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, a non-paritisan DC based think-tank, hosted an event on the Tax Cuts and…
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Congress Returns to DC as Fiscal Cliff Looms – MBFA Continues Advocating for Key Muni Provisions in Infrastructure Legislation

Both chambers of Congress this week return to DC after an extended August recess to face a growing number of potential crises prior to continued work to advance duel infrastructure spending packages.  At the top of the Congressional priority list is avoiding a government shutdown with the federal government set to run out of funding…
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Ways and Means to Debate Muni Provisions Today – MBFA Continues to Advocate for Key Priorities

This morning, the House Committee on Ways and Means will host a hearing to “mark-up” or debate and amend the tax portion of the budget reconciliation package.  This weekend, Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) released the text for the revenue provisions, and the draft included a plethora of muni provisions, including ALL BDA, MBFA, and state and local muni priorities. Expected…
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Senate Negotiators Push to Delay Infrastructure Vote – Key Differences May Imperil Bipartisan Legislation

This afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Schumer is expected to bring the bipartisan infrastructure agreement to the floor for a vote of cloture, a vote that would advance the agreement to debate in its current state without legislative text.  This vote is expected to fall short of the needed 60 votes to advance. Senate negotiators continue…
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Critical Week for Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation – BDA and MBFA Continue to Promote Muni Priorities

As Congress returns from a 2 week July 4th recess, it’s make or break time for infrastructure legislation in 2021.  With only 8 legislative days left before the month-long August recess, this week should prove crucial in determining the next steps, including key muni bond provisions.  The BDA and MBFA continue to press for the…
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Infrastructure Deal Within Reach – Muni Provisions Remain a Priority

A bipartisan group of 21 Senators has come to a soft agreement with the Biden Administration on a $1 trillion infrastructure package.  While the deal has yet to receive support from Congressional Leadership, this is a promising step.  The group plans to meet with the President this afternoon. The framework includes nearly $600 billion in…
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Direct Pay Bonds and PABs Remain in Spotlight – Other Muni Provisions Expected to Receive Continued Support

As noted yesterday, a bipartisan group of 21 senators released the latest infrastructure compromise, a $1 trillion package with nearly $600 billion of new spending.  While light on pay-for details, the package did include some details on how the group plans to finance the plan, which includes a new direct-pay bond and references to increased private investment…
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Bipartisan Senate Group Releases Updated Infrastructure Proposal

Last night, a group of 21 Senators released their much-anticipated infrastructure compromise. The package comes with a price tag of $1.2 trillion dollars, including over $570 billion in new spending. The package allocates $110 billion on roads and bridges, $66 billion on the rail, and $48.5 billion on transit as well monies for Democratic priorities…
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Infrastructure and Municipals Expectations and Predictions for the Remainder of 2021

Many questions remain unanswered as we enter the 6th month of infrastructure discussions with little tangible accomplishments achieved.  While some compromise has been reached in recent weeks, frankly, both parties remain miles apart and the most likely outcome is an infrastructure spending bill passed via reconciliation with only Democratic votes. However, that as well remains…
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Bipartisan Infrastructure Talks Falter House Muni Caucus Adds Republican Co-Chair

Following a White House meeting between President Biden and Senator Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) yesterday afternoon, time is running out on hopes for a large-bipartisan infrastructure package. Key differences remain between negotiating parties such as what actually constitutes infrastructure and how to pay for such a large spending package. Following the meeting, Administration officials made…
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Biden Administration Proposes Increase in PAB Limits Amongst Other Potential Tax Changes

The Biden Administration has released its annual “Green Book,” which includes a plethora of proposed tax changes for the coming fiscal year.  While many changes proposed in the Treasury document are historically ignored on Capitol Hill, these documents can be used as a road map for where the Administration’s priorities lie. Bond Components The “Green Book”…
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MBFA Submits Testimony to House and Senate Committees Supporting Muni Financing of Infrastructure

Today, the Municipal Bonds for America Council (MBFA) submitted testimony to the House Committee on Ways and Means and the Senate Finance Committee following recent hearings featuring municipal bond financing in the context of infrastructure. While the hearings covered a wide variety of funding and financing measures, bonds were at the center of many bipartisan…
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Senate Leadership Waivers on Infrastructure Process – Munis Remain a Bipartisan Priority

Early this week, news began to emerge from Capitol Hill that Senate Democratic Leadership may be shifting course in the short term on the size and scope of infrastructure spending for this year due to a budgetary time crunch.  While details are still being worked out, at this time it seems that infrastructure may come…
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Bonds Receive Bipartisan Support in Senate Hearing – House to Host Muni Hearing Today

Yesterday, the Senate Finance Committee hosted a hearing titled, Funding and Financing Options to Bolster American Infrastructure.  While the hearing covered a wide variety of funding and financing measures, bonds were at the center of many bipartisan agreements.  The House Committee on Ways and Means will host a similar hearing later this morning.  The MBFA…
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Infrastructure in America: Ashland – Greenwood (NE) School Bond

As part of its ongoing Infrastructure in America: Munis Since 1812 initiative to highlight bond-financed infrastructure, the MBFA is featuring a recent school bond issuance that helped finance substantial improvements in the rapidly growing Ashland-Greenwood Nebraska School district. The issuance was underwritten by member firm D.A. Davidson. Click the image below to learn more about…
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