Category: Uncategorized

DC Update: Sweeping Muni Legislation Introduced in House

Last night,  Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL) introduced the “Local  Infrastructure Financing Tools (LIFT) Act“ with support of the BDA, MBFA and the Public Finance Network.The legislation is a sweeping muni focused package that would restore tax-exempt advance refundings, raise the bank qualified limit, and create a new taxable direct pay infrastructure bond. The press release featuring a…
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MBFA Submits Testimony to Ways and Means on Municipal Bond Hearing

Today, the Municipal Bonds for America Council (MBFA) submitted testimony following the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures March 11th hearing titled, “Tax Tools to Help  Local Governments.”  The MBFA testimony can be viewed here. While the hearing covered a multitude of other tax issues, the majority of the discussion focused on municipal…
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Biden’s Buttigieg Pick Signals Optimism on Infrastructure

Infrastructure-Investment Binge Is Set to Continue—With or Without Washington

Transportation Secretary Pick Buttigieg Understands the Municipal Market

Transportation Secretary Pick Buttigieg Understands the Municipal Market

Biden Administration Intends to Pass Robust Bi-Partisan Infrastructure and Public Works Package

Biden Administration Intends to Pass Robust Bi-Partisan Infrastructure and Public Works Package

Biden Administration Intends to Pass Robust Bi-Partisan Infrastructure and Public Works Package

With the pending change of Administration in early 2021, infrastructure has once again taken center stage for potential major legislative action. The Biden Administration has made its intention clear on passing a robust bi-partisan infrastructure and public works package as part of the ongoing stimulus intervention of the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.…
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